Our Ministries
Our Purpose is to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. We do this in four main ways: Worship, Christian Education, Fellowship, and Outreach.
Our ministry of worship is intended to invite people into the presence of God, in order to be inspired by God's influence and will in our lives.
Since 1816, the First Baptist Church in Wickford has been a place of worship. Our Sunday morning worship service is a traditional Protestant service. It is organized around a twenty minute sermon, which is given by the minister and based on the morning's Bible reading, three hymns, morning prayers and special music by our choir. The entire service is one hour in length. On the first Sunday of the month, we add Communion, which is a symbolic sharing of the wine and the bread representing Christ's Body and Blood, started by Jesus at his last Supper with the disciples. Worshippers pass the bread and the cup to each other as we believe the first disciples did. Baptism and Infant Dedications are also held on occasion as part of Sunday morning worship.
Christian Education
Our ministry of Christian education is intended to share knowledge and wisdom from the Holy Bible, in order to apply it to our daily lives.
Our Sunday School, held weekly at 10:15am, provides classes for children and Youth from infancy through High School age. Classes are also held weekly for adults. All classes are Bible based, and provide for learning and discussion.
The Sunday School only meets during the school year.
Our ministry of Fellowship is intended to build relationships among our members and friends. These relationships are encouraged in order to stimulate spiritual and emotional health and growth.
Activities and events occur throughout the year around different seasons and themes. Our church has become a main attraction during the Annual Wickford Art Festival. During this annual weekend in July, our church provides several refreshment stands for visitors to the village. We are famous for our clamcakes and chowder, and also for our strawberry shortcake. Church dinners are held quite regularly, often on Wednesday evenings. These are followed by Bible Study for adults and monthly children and youth activities. Our choir extends warm fellowship to all who join for weekly rehearsal.
Our ministry of Outreach serves to provide service and support to persons who serve the Lord in places where we may not personally travel, as well as local mission work.
Some of our member families over the years have become foreign missionaries. We raise an annual portion of our budget (around 10%) for American Baptist International Missions, which supports missionaries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Central and South America. We also support American Baptists National Ministries, which provides leadership and administrative support to thousands of churches containing over one million members and friends. Our Regional ministries cover almost every city and state in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. Our American Baptist Website is found at www.abc-usa.org.
Locally, our members and friends are involved in local agencies that feed the hungry, and provide assistance for those in special need. Our church office works closely with South County Salvation Army to respond to the needs of those in transition, or those who face a crisis in their lives. At times, this amounts to helping someone with their utility bill or their rent.
Special events are held regularly to draw people to our church who may not normally attend. But the major way we reach out is people inviting friends.